Evolve Military College was formed to deliver programmes to a wide variety of young people by utilising the skills, qualities and experience of former servicemen and women, to ensure that learners have an outstanding experience.

Teamwork, personal pride and discipline, physical and mental robustness, duty, community spirit, confidence and humility are the qualities that we endeavour to teach our learners. By using a holistic approach to training and focusing on what are essential skills for employment and life, Learners find that they are able to raise and achieve their aspirations.

Our primary programme, the Armed Forces Preparation Traineeship, has a maximum duration of 26 weeks and incorporates the following elements: Work preparation training, substantial and meaningful work experience, maths and English development, IAG and trade training for the Armed Forces.

Information, Advice and Guidance offered on the programme is second to none. With close, personal links to all relevant Armed Forces Careers offices we can offer up to the minute advice and guidance on applications to the Armed Forces and with re gular careers briefs at our centre from Armed Forces recruiters our trainees are exposed to the full array of job roles available in the Armed Forces and are not pigeon holed into roles based on gender, ethnic origin, economic or  social background or personal circumstances. Trainees also receive regular one to one progress reviews with SMART  targets set alongside daily verbal feedback on performance.

“There’s no dispute that joining the armed forces is an excellent career choice. Great pay, the chance to see the world and training that is second to none… What’s not to love?”

Andrew Emmett

Managing Director

A message from the MD

Those first few months at training college can be gruelling and take their toll, both mentally and physically. 

Picture the scene. 

A young person arrives for basic training. It’s something they’ve wanted to do for as long as they can remember –training to serve their country. 

And it’s finally here.

The first few weeks, the excitement is at fever pitch. New mates from all over the country. Sleeping in a dorm. A new routine. A wealth of information and a world of opportunity at your feet.

Can life get any better?

Then suddenly, a few weeks in, it hits you. You’re sore. You’re knackered. You’re neither as fit – or as cocky – as you thought you were back home.

For the first time ever, you’re away from home. There’s no one cooking a Sunday roast while you watch telly and there’s no one to have a chat with when your best mate’s being an idiot – again. 

You’re loving your new life and you’re determined to make a go of it.

But you hadn’t anticipated just how hard you were going to find it, being away from everything you’ve ever known.

This feeling, the homesickness, is totally normal.

But it’s tough. Really, really tough.

It’s a feeling I remember all too well. My first six weeks as a recruit in the Corps (Royal Marines) were a huge shock to the system. Nothing could have prepared me, not only for being away from family and friends, but also for the intense nature of the training. I was terribly homesick and I felt lost, despite the best efforts of the Commando Training Team to ease me in.

This is the reason I started Military Standard Training. I wanted to set up something that would help young people prepare mentally for leaving home for the first time when they first join up. It seemed crazy that there is so much support to help military personnel make the transition back to civilian life after they have finished serving, but there is nothing at the start of their careers.

When you think about it, it’s total madness.

We are here to help, bridging the gap between young people leaving traditional education and starting military training. Our training is the best there is, lasting up to 26 weeks, and gives 16-24 year olds the foundations basic life skills you need for life in the forces.

And best of all? It won’t cost you a penny as it’s totally free.

As all of our team are ex-forces, we really have been there, done that – and some of us have even bought the T-shirt. It’s safe to say, we know what we’re doing and we know exactly what you need to learn before you start your military training college. When they leave, our recruits understand all about military values and standards and have tons of military knowledge as well as various qualifications.

And physically – do you think you’re fit now?

You will be when we finish with you – and believe us, you’ll need to be when you start training. Most importantly of all, we’ll make sure we prepare your mind, giving you the mental strength and stamina to make a real go of it.

Just ask any of our past recruits. They’ll tell you how we will build your confidence and stamina, as well as your physical condition and life skills.

They’ll tell you how joining up might quite possibly be the best thing you ever do. Because it really is.

“The staff are really helpful and supportive. I really enjoy the training, it’s better than college. I have met a lot of new people and my fitness is getting there!”

Zoe B