What qualifications do I need to enrol?

None. You don’t need any formal qualification to enrol at Evolve Military College, just the right state of mind!

How much does the course cost?

Nothing. The course is free due to the way we are funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and being part funded by the European Social Fund.

Will I have to buy a uniform?

No. We will supply you with your uniform free of charge but will expect you to look after it and return when you leave. You will have the opportunity to purchase your own uniform bundle at a discounted price through Evolve Military College but this is completely optional. 

What about my travel costs, will I get a bus pass?

We won’t issue you a bus pass but will reimburse you your travel costs up to £30 per week.

Do I need to be fit?

No. That’s the point of the Preparation Programme. To get you to the level you need to progress in your chosen career. All our physical Training sessions are differentiated by ability.

Is this a residential course?

No. You will get to go home on an evening and weekends, however, we do offer as a mandatory part of the programme a full weeks residential work experience usually hosted by the either the Army or Royal Marines.

What if I get deferred?

We will continue to support you and help you provide the evidence needed to appeal any deferrals. This is something we have done many times due to our close connections between our staff and the Armed Forces recruiting teams allowing us to help with any appeals.

What if I decide not to join the Military?

You will be supported no matter what you decide to do. We have supported many young people on to college courses, in to Apprenticeships and in to paid employment. We will always seek to do what is best for you as an individual.

When can I start?

We’re not a traditional college and therefore we offer start dates every Monday and let you join the forces when you get your start date. We will not hold you back.

What’s next? How do I apply?

Please click here to get in touch!

Want to know more about our Military Preparation Programme? Get in touch.

“EMC has done a lot for me since I have been on this course, my fitness level has raised and my knowledge on army tactics and terminology is at an all time high.”

Nathan H