Cancer Research UK
We ran our first engagement survey with People Insight in March 2013. Against a backdrop of a highly engaged workforce, the response that only 49% of people believed that their career aspirations could be met at CRUK, and this was identified as a key driver of engagement.
From our exit interview data we also knew that the top three reasons for people leaving the charity were related to progression.
As a charity, personal development is a key aspect of our employee value proposition and so this lack of transparency was felt to be a priority to address, along with support for managers in having career conversations with their teams.
To provide greater awareness and transparency of opportunities across the charity.
To ensure the quality of career development conversations should helped people move and progress through the organisation.
In approaching this initiative we focused strongly on the ‘journey’ people wanted to take when exploring career development. In consultation with the business, we created key ‘personas’:
We then explored the type and nature of information these people would need, by pinpointing the questions they would have and design the zone around this. This allowed us to be more creative in our approach and ‘get into the shoes’ of users.
They helped us design the site to ensure that information was easy to find and structured in a logical way. We developed a structure around the key questions:
“Where am I now?”
“Where could I go?”
“What do I do to get there?”
We streamed the advice into guidance for managers and for individuals. The site was then tested with a range of business users, to check it met needs; their comments directly fed back into our ultimate design.
There are a number of aspects that we are particularly proud of in our design and approach, which we believe makes it stand out:
Anecdotal feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with comments like:
“The site is amazing – I can’t wait to share it with my managers” and “What a brilliant resource to support our people”.
Most critically we have improved our engagement scores in this area, as measured with our People Insight survey, by 6%.
The Career Development Zone has had hundreds of unique visitors since launch, peaking with 291 in the launch month alone.
have attended one of our training sessions and feedback has been extremely positive, saying that they can put what they have learnt into practice.
Whilst we have yet to see a big impact of the zone on exit interviews as our data tracks the preceding 12 months. Anecdotally, we are seeing increased movement across the organisation and are shifting the mindset that ‘upward’ is the only way to progress. Whilst there are still many improvements we can make to how people are supported to develop their career at CRUK, this tool provides a vital and impactful first step that we are extremely proud of.