Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) surveys measure how fair and inclusive your workplace is. You can run D&I specific surveys or include survey questions about diversity and inclusion in your employee engagement survey.
Below we’ll look at the importance of measuring diversity and inclusion, why it’s important to measure and how to measure diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
A Diversity and Inclusion survey is important because it gives an accurate, anonymous picture of how inclusive people feel your culture is and whether this differs by demographic. Even if your organisation has a diverse employee demographic, you may not have an inclusive culture.
A diversity and inclusion survey provides a safe space for employees to share their feedback. D&I can be a sensitive topic – people within your organisation might feel uncomfortable sharing concerns or observations with their line managers or HR. A Diversity and Inclusion survey offers a safe, confidential way of listening to your people, and this alone provides value that can’t quite be measured.
The reality is, more inclusive environments breed more engaged employees. Feeling like you have been treated unfairly at work has a direct link to a lack of employee engagement (learn more about how to drive employee engagement here). On the other hand, research shows that more inclusive organisations are more engaged, creative, innovative, forward-thinking and successful
Before you get started, take some time to consider the difference between diversity, equity and inclusion. While these terms are often used interchangeably, understanding how they differ is important in order to effectively measure and implement them.
To assess diversity and inclusion, you can either run a separate survey with questions specific to D&I or add a D&I index into your employee survey. Which alternative is right for you?
A full D&I survey helps organisations understand what is driving your score for D&I, and how your responses vary by demographic. Survey questions cover various aspects of Diversity and Inclusion, to provide results you can act on and compare progress against.
People Insight recommend including three ‘output questions’ in your D&I survey. The responses to these questions combine to give an overall picture of how fair and inclusive your organisation is.
In the video below, watch our experts discuss best practice for D&I feedback and how to prepare your business case
A survey index is a section of questions within your employee survey. These questions are usually about a specific issue that drives engagement and can be reported on as a group. Adding a D&I index into your employee survey gives a glimpse of where your organisation is at with diversity and inclusion. Usually, we advise organisations to ask the three D&I ‘output questions’ mentioned above.
Asking about D&I in your employee survey is a helpful exercise to get a benchmark of how inclusive your organisation is. However, it lacks the deep-dive insights of a specific D&I survey.
Some organisations choose to ask new employees about their experience of inclusivity at work. Sending a short survey to employees after 6 months in-role can help organisations understand how inclusive their workplace is for new joiners.
Equally, you can include a few questions about Diversity and Inclusion within your exit interviews. This can tell you whether departing employees found your organisation to be an inclusive place to work.
People Insight’s business psychologists have designed a model called BELONG to help organisations assess levels of Diversity & Inclusion and benchmark their results against other organisations.
BELONG includes a series of Diversity and Inclusion survey questions which paint a picture of how employees of all groups feel about D&I within your organisation. These employee survey questions are ready-to-go, but can be adapted to suit your organisation or to measure a specific aspect of D&I.
BELONG employee survey questions are based on robust evidence and research into various aspects of D&I, including:
Download our BELONG model and learn how it can help you measure D&I at work
Our expert review of Diversity and Inclusion informed a set of 30 quantitative questions, developed by People Insight with input from Tali Shlomo, Diversity & Inclusion and Wellbeing thought leader.
Within the D&I survey, questions cover the following themes which are proven to impact on how employees experience their workplace culture:
When you review your survey results, these themes will help you highlight priority areas for action.
People Insight’s question-set also includes three ‘output questions’. Your scores for these give an overall measure of how inclusive your organisation is. This is a useful benchmark for reporting and measuring progress against.
An example output question:
“People with backgrounds like mine are able to succeed here”
To provide space for employee comments and suggestions, we recommend including 1-2 open-text questions in your D&I survey. For example, you might ask: ‘What would make this organisation more inclusive of people of all backgrounds?’
People Insight’s D&I question-set has been standardised against the following best-practice principles:
We recommend including all 32 questions from our D&I question-set in your survey. A D&I survey based on these should take 5-10 minutes to complete.
These questions give a full, comprehensive view of how inclusive your organisation is. They provide robust data you can compare progress against and identify actions to take to improve your scores.
Importantly, these questions also allow you to analyse responses by your chosen demographic groups. This will help you understand how the employee experience differs between employees.
People Insight help organisations of all sizes and sectors measure D&I and use the insights to create a more inclusive workplace.
Fast and flexible D&I surveys
Real time actionable survey results in our easy to use dashboard so your organisation can rapidly respond to feedback.
Pivot between all your survey insights in one platform
Assess your organisation’s health effortlessly including Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, Managing Change, Wellbeing or other ad hoc surveys – all in one place.
The data shows that diverse teams perform better. People Insight’s expert team can help you understand and review diversity and inclusion in your organisation, or you can use our survey platform to build and launch your own surveys. Either way, you’ll get the data and insights you need to create a more inclusive place to work.
Run a D&I survey with People Insight