Employee pulse surveys are a more frequent way of collecting employee feedback. They can be stand-alone or combined with annual or ‘census’ surveys in your employee voice strategy.
This blog post will show you how to create great pulse survey questions and what to include in an employee pulse survey, as well as how often you should run them and where they fit into your existing survey programme.
Pulse surveys typically measure employee engagement, collect feedback on a specific business issue, or track the impact of change initiatives.
During Covid-19, many organisations opted to run pulses to keep up with the rapid pace of change. Post-lockdown, organisations are using them to understand how people feel about remote working, and their preferences for working arrangements.
Pulse surveys are effective for most organisations. However, it’s vital that you can respond and make changes after every round of feedback.
A pulse survey is a short ‘check in’, usually used between full employee surveys to measure how people are feeling. An annual employee survey may cover all aspects of how to improve employee engagement. A pulse survey, on the other hand, typically focuses on high-priority issues that you need to track progress on. For example you could use a pulse survey to assess stress at work or to understand what support people need for financial wellbeing as the cost of living rises.
Annual or bi-annual engagement surveys provide a fantastic opportunity to connect with your people in a meaningful way that drives significant change. The data is broad and deep, providing rich analysis of how your people feel and what factors are driving engagement.
However, a lot can happen between survey’s so it is helpful to keep in touch with engagement and key issues on a more regular basis.
Employee pulse surveys gather more regular feedback and give you the opportunity to respond quickly and often to improve your culture, talent retention and performance.
Below are some more benefits of an employee pulse survey vs engagement survey:
Learn more about the benefits of pulse surveys in our blog.
Employee surveys are only as effective as the action taken as a result. If you ask staff for their honest feedback and opinions, they will expect change. If you can’t deliver this, you will have failed, and they’ll tell you as much. Your score for belief in action will swiftly deteriorate.
Typically, organisations run one or two pulses between annual surveys. This frequency allows you to review and act on the data before running your next pulse survey.
While ‘always on’ feedback works well in the consumer space, it does not translate as well in the employee world. The insights don’t change as frequently, and employee survey response rates suffer when people are asked too often.
The bottom line, of course, is that all organisations are different. How you survey will depend on all of these factors, and providing you set and meet your peoples’ expectations, and act in response to their comments, you’re on the right track.
If you’re responsible for employee engagement planning in your organisation, you’ll understand the difficulty in keeping up momentum throughout the year.
Pulse surveys are brilliant for checking progress against actions decided after your deeper annual survey, providing metrics for reporting and giving you much needed visibility.
Armed with pulse survey results you can adjust or reprioritise actions, and communicate progress quickly. This helps keep the momentum for progress and change, whilst you work towards improving scores for the next annual survey.
Employee pulse surveys also provide evidence to justify additional budget for new initiatives that can drive future employee engagement.
As pulses are more frequent, they give you the opportunity to raise issues that are important at a particular moment in time, like Diversity & Inclusion. Instead of waiting for the next annual survey, you can gather feedback immediately.
Changing from traditional surveying needn’t be daunting. Some organisations are choosing to solely use pulse surveys for employee listening, while others are using pulses alongside their annual survey.
Hear from Queen’s University Belfast about their pulse survey approach.
Introducing employee pulse surveys alongside other listening techniques provides a full measure of the employee experience and helps you make changes quickly.
Introducing pulse surveys doesn’t always mean ditching your annual employee survey. People Insight help organisations combine listening techniques and frequencies into an integrated listening strategy. This gives you a full measure of the employee experience with clear, actionable insights.
TSB’s listening model includes multiple ways for leaders to glean actionable insight. There are a range of routine approaches for the whole organisation, for instance:
TSB also built in the option to add listening activities at key moments, for example quarterly employee pulse surveys to check in on engagement issues.
Use the free pulse survey questions below to build your employee engagement pulse survey.
Our series of free pulse survey questions help dig into specific issues such as Diversity & Inclusion, Hybrid Working and Employee Wellbeing.
Pulse surveys are more concise than annual employee surveys, allowing you to focus on specific topics. We recommend including 15 pulse survey questions.
Effective employee pulse survey questions are unambiguous, based on the same response scale throughout and are either all positive or all negative. If running a change management surveys, it’s good practice to ask the same questions before and after the change. This helps measure progress consistently.
People Insight’s employee pulse survey design starts with our employee engagement model, PEARL™. It provides a great starting point for employee engagement pulse survey questions.
If you’ve run an annual survey using the PEARL™ question-set, take a look at the key issues that emerged i.e. your key drivers or responses that were far below historical/external benchmarks. These are usually the areas you have decided to act on!
Track the success of your post-survey action plan by asking these priority questions again in your pulse survey. Then, review the changes in quantitative scores and open-text comments.
Firstly, we recommend including these 5 questions in every survey to track employee engagement over time. These questions represent the PEARL™ engagement index; the 5 factors which demonstrate how engaged your people are:
Secondly, include 5-8 driver questions; the ones that influence the engagement index questions above. Focus on the questions you have taken action on.
Then, consider if there are any other burning employee survey questions that we need feedback on. Aside from your employee engagement actions, what else is going on in the organisation or environment that you need feedback on? Include 1-3 of these, if required.
Also include the question ‘I believe action will be taken as a result of this survey’. This will show how much people trust your organisation to act on their feedback. We recommend including this question in every survey you run. Combined with your survey response rates, this can help measure survey fatigue within your organisation.
Finally, include 1-3 relevant open text questions. These will really depend on what your employee pulse survey is measuring. For example:
If you want to track the impact of change since your last survey, a great question is ‘What changes have you seen, if any, since the last survey?’
To gather insights about company culture, try ‘What 3 words would you use to describe our culture?’ You can track these 3 words over time to understand how aligned they are with your values, how they change and differ around the organisation.
Below are some great open text questions from recent pulse surveys exploring the impact of hybrid working on the employee experience:
The right pulse survey tech can make your team’s life easier and speed up post-survey action. Look out for these features when comparing survey tech:
Acting on your pulse survey feedback is vital to keeping people engaged with the survey process. Here are our tips for action planning success:
Consider which stakeholders you need to get on board in order to drive change effectively. Brief them about the process, what they will need to do and how you expect them to support it.
Line managers are closest to the change happening ‘on the ground’, which employees feel most keenly. In order to be effective, local action planning must be led by line managers. Some ideas are:
Share top-level results with your organisation as soon after your survey closes as possible. Infographics are a great visual way of announcing headline results and for sharing progress later on. Keep people engaged by communicating what changes are coming, when to expect them and how they reflect your pulse survey feedback.
Keep reading: 6-step employee survey comms plan
People don’t get tired of surveys, but of the lack of change after them. Act on their feedback and communicate the changes being made so people see the value of taking part in the survey process. People won’t participate if nothing happens as a result of their feedback. Act on feedback and communicate the changes being made so people see the value of taking part in the survey process.
Pulse surveys are great for diving into specific topics, while annual surveys can cover more depth. Keep your pulses short to gather focused insights you can do something about. Remember, don’t ask for lengthy feedback too frequently or people will get fed up and either not respond at all, or give poor quality feedback.
Quantitative responses are great for analysis and benchmarking. However, including a couple of open text questions in your pulse survey will provide additional insight into employee sentiment and suggestions for change. Leave these optional so the survey doesn’t feel strenuous.