We’ve all now had a little time to breathe Post-Brexit vote. Organisations up and down the country are assessing the vote impact on their businesses, so are we all clearer on the future?
The short answer is, not really.
Let’s look at big business announcements – there have been at least 3 differing positions:
It’s probably too soon to tell; we won’t see official job figures from the ONS over enough months for a trend until the autumn, and there’s the seasonal impact of summer to consider. In the short term period of uncertainty between vote and new prime minister, permanent roles plummeted[2] whilst temporary roles rose. [3]
As Michael Page reported[4], during uncertainty, temporary workers become an essential resource. That’s great for flexibility, but can be challenging for integration, teamwork and communication. How do you help temp staff feel motivated and bridge the divide?
[1] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36981182
[2] The Report on Jobs, produced monthly by IHS Markit, collects data from 400 UK recruitment and employment firms.
[3] https://www.cipd.co.uk/pm/peoplemanagement/b/weblog/archive/2016/08/05/employers-opt-for-temporary-staff-as-permanent-recruitment-plummets.aspx
[4] https://mag.hrgrapevine.com/HR-Aug-2016/?page=26&utm_source=Sign-Up.to&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=40715-165043-HRM+-+04%2F08%2F2016
[5] https://www.onrec.com/news/statistics-and-trends/44-of-uk-businesses-say-brexit-wont-affect-the-number-of-people-they-hire. Totaljobs surveyed 2,211 jobseekers and 252 recruiters between 13 and 21 July 2016.