While we’ve mostly settled into hybrid ways of working, understanding how your people feel about working in an office environment remains important. A return to work employee survey captures the sentiment of employees, providing you with data and insights to improve how employees feel about being back in the office whether part-time, full-time or as part of a hybrid working model.
Use our free question set to understand how your employees feel about returning to the office after the end of lockdown.
Updated employee survey question-set for 2023: 24 survey questions to consult employees about 2023 workplace trends
“Employers have a duty to consult their people on health and safety. You can do this by listening and talking to them about the work and how you will manage risks from Covid-19. The people who do the work are often the best people to understand the risks in the workplace and will have a view on how to work safely.
At its most effective, full involvement of your workers creates a culture where relationships between employers and workers are based on collaboration, trust and joint problem solving.”
Our team of organisational psychologists have designed a back to work question set to help you consult your employees on their feelings about returning to work during Covid-19, so you can involve them in the implementation of the next phase. This is a starting point; there are of course many different situations for employers, with people returning to work in offices, factories, in homes, vehicles, labs and other premises.
The final questions nod to the future, seeking to capture something of people’s views around the longer term that can be explored at greater length as the ‘new normal’ for teams is being formed.
It may well be appropriate to incorporate some of the questions from the previous People Insight COVID-19 pulse too, so that you can measure progress.
Copy and paste the question set into your existing platform to create a pulse survey and get a measure of how employees are feeling. Customise the questions and response scales to suit the needs of your organisation.
Consider adding these questions as an index or section in your current or next survey. Ask your Client Service Manager or speak to our team for help updating your question set.
Online discussions or focus groups are a great way to engage your people and assess sentiment.
Theme |
Question |
Response type |
Note |
Practicalities |
1. What are the main barriers that you see in returning to work? | Free text | The response can include self-theming, e.g.:
Practicalities |
2. I believe I’ll be able to make appropriate travel arrangements to work on-site / in the office. | Likert scale:
Use questions in this format to understand the practical barriers to be overcome. Could be adapted to ask about childcare, PPE etc. |
Timing |
3. This feels like the right time for a return to on-site working / working in the office. | Likert scale | |
Timing |
Please tell us more about your concern. | open text | Use if response to previous question is negative (Disagree or Strongly disagree) |
Preferences |
4. I know where to go to for support regarding my health, safety and wellbeing | Likert scale | |
Preferences |
5. I would prefer to continue working from home for longer, rather than return to on-site working / working in the office. | Likert scale | |
Preferences |
6. If our offices / sites were open today, I would prefer to work there. | Likert scale | |
Preferences |
7. Ideally, how many days a week would you like to work in the office / on site? | Select one of: 1-2-3-4-5 days | |
Communication |
8. I feel that I’m being kept well informed about what to expect in terms of returning to work. | Likert scale | |
Involvement |
9. I feel that my views are being heard and considered in decisions about how we will be working in the future. | Likert scale | |
Involvement |
10. If I had a concern about returning to work, I know how to raise it. | Likert scale | |
Confidence |
11. I have confidence and trust in our company leadership. | Likert scale | |
Confidence |
12. I am confident that this organisation will come out of the current situation strongly. | Likert scale | |
Confidence |
13. I believe the measures we are taking will ensure that it is safe for employees to work on-site / in our offices. | Likert scale | |
Confidence |
Please tell us more about your concern. | Open text | Use if response to previous question is negative (Disagree or Strongly disagree) |
Confidence |
14. I believe that we are now well able to continue working remotely for at least the medium term (e.g. several months). | Likert scale | |
Confidence |
Please tell us more about your concern. | Open text | Use if response to previous question is negative (Disagree or Strongly disagree) |
Overall learning |
15. What recent experiences / ways of working do you think we should capture and ensure we retain for the future? | Open text | |
Overall learning |
16. What aspects of our response should we learn from and do differently going forward? | Open text | |
Overall |
17. Please feel free to share any other thoughts or comments here. | Open text | |
Additional demographic |
18. Do you have caring responsibilities at home? | Tick all that apply:
Other additional demographics, including protected characteristics may be suitable at this time. |
Download return to work survey questions for employees 2023
Need help adapting the return to work questionnaire for your organisation, or with other parts of your 2023 HR planning? Get help from our team of experts.
To find out how People Insight can help you listen to your people during these unprecedented times, contact us here.