I have always enjoyed fitness and keeping on top of my exercise regimes. I find that it not only helps my physical health but also my mental health – it helps me to reset after a busy day or week and generally feel better about life.
It can be difficult to get into a routine with exercising, but this time of year is a great time to start a new fitness regime. It’s easy to feel sluggish and unmotivated but getting into a regular fitness routine can help you on the road to feeling more refreshed and rejuvenated.
There really is no time like the present and the saying “tomorrow never comes” is so true, but once you take the plunge, that’s often half the battle. Now is a great time to have a clean sweep and if you can motivate yourself to start exercising in the winter months, it will only get easier as the days get longer and warmer.
With this in mind, I’ve compiled a list of top fitness tips for 2022 which will help you to plan your fitness regime and stick to it.